时间:2012-08-07 来源/编辑:肖莉 浏览次数:10835  【返回首页
  伊文思(Christmas Evans)在他的日记中告诉我们:一天下午,他行经一条很荒僻的道路去出席一个聚会,他自己觉得他那时候的心是冰冷的。他说:“我紧住了我的马,步行到一处与尘世隔绝的地方去,在那里我很痛苦地走来走去,检阅我自己的生活。我在神前等候了三小时,我的心被悲哀压服着;最后,一个甘甜仁爱的感觉温暖了我的心——在那里我重新受了一次圣灵的浇灌。日头平西的时候,我回到原路上,找到了我威尔斯城(Wales)的人民,在那天都得到了一个极大的复兴。”
      "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and they spoke the word of God with boldness. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection. (Acts 4:31, 33.)
      CHRISTMAS Evans tells us in his diary that one Sunday afternoon he was traveling a very lonely road to attend an appointment, and he was convicted of a cold heart. He says, "I tethered my horse and went to a sequestered spot, where I walked to and fro in an agony as I reviewed my life. I waited three hours before God, broken with sorrow, until there broke over me a sweet sense of His forgiving love. I received from God a new baptism of the Holy Ghost. As the sun was westering, I went back to the road, found my horse, mounted it and went to my appointment. On the following day I preached with such new power to a vast concourse of people gathered on the hillside, that a revival broke out that day and spread through all Wales."
      The greatest question that can be asked of the "twice born" ones is, "Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed?"
      This was the password into the early Church.
      "O the Spirit filled life; is it thine, is it thine?
      Is thy soul wholly filled with the Spirit Divine?
      O thou child of the King, had He fallen on thee?
      Does He reign in thy soul, so that all men may see
      The dear Savior's blest image reflected in thee?
      "Has He swept through thy soul like the waves of the sea?
      Does the Spirit of God daily rest upon thee?
      Does He sweeten thy life, does He keep thee from care?
      Does He guide thee and bless thee in answer to prayer?
      Is it joy to be led of the Lord anywhere?
      "Is He near thee each hour, does He stand at thy side?
      Does He give thee with strength, has He come to abide?
      Does He give thee to know that all things may be done
      Through the grace and the power of the Crucified One?
      Does He witness to thee of the glorified Son?
      "Has He freed thee from self and from all of thy greed?
      Dost thou hasten to succor thy brother in need?
      As a soldier of Christ dost thou hardness endure?
      Is thy hope in the Lord everlasting and sure?
      Hast thou patience and meekness, art tender and pure?
      "O the Spirit filled life may be thine, may be thine,
      In thy soul evermore the Shekinah may shine;
      It is thine to live with the tempests all stilled,
      It is thine with the blessed Holy Ghost to be filled;
      It is thine, even thine, for thy Lord has so willed,"
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果实丰满 汁浆常青-李丹、由佳